In this documentary you will discover how Dr. Burzynsky actually discovered a real cure for cancer, and even after the FDA approved his trials, they went after him like a criminal once they discovered his treatments actually cured cancer. The FDA is fighting a war against any real cure for cancer because it strips our governments of their power to control every aspect of our lives.
Cancer has become a weapon for Governments to Justify Social Engineering of their societies. Which forced the motivation of Government Grants for Cancer Research to hide any real cures of cancer. Because our Governments can hold the threat of the nightmare of cancers to do these things to us:
1) Strip us of our constitution rights of freedom of speech and freedom of press, (as they have done to the tobacco industry which can no longer advertise or defend themselves in the public square)
2) To criminalize, regulate and outlaw any product they want to, by merely declaring that product to cause cancer.
3) To criminalize, regulate and outlaw fossil fuel products by declaring them cancer causing.
4) Permitting our government to regulate every aspect of our lives by merely declaring activities that may cause cancer.
5) Force Obamacare down our throats.
5) Drive up the costs of drugs and medications through the 2500 different Obamacare taxes on our medications and prosthetic s.
6) Over tax products by simply declaring them to cause Cancer, while our government lines their pockets with our medication taxes, and not deliver any better drugs or medications.
Many times products declared to cause cancer are quite often discovered decades later to not cause cancer, as in the case of saccharin. Long after careers, jobs and lives destroyed.
Autophagy (Your Body's mechanism for cannibalizing cells) helps you live Healthier and Longer as Dr. Yushinari Ohsumi Discovered.
1) All the killed bacteria and virus protien matter and dead cells killed in the course of a day, are used as a protein source in the Liver.
2) Live Tissue have their own stomachs that consume dead cells and recycle important proteins for creating new cells.
3) This stomach breaks down proteins into more amino acides, the basic building blocks of proteins.
4) if your liver doesn't consume these proteins, then they build up and cause health problems like Diabetes, Parkinson's disease and many age related diseases.
1) Lavender Oil or Lavender plants in your yard will not only keep mosquitoes away, but will kill them as well. Because Lavender contains Linalool oil which kills mosquitoes.
2) Tea Tree Oil also contains ingredients that will kill and repell mosquitoes as well.
3) Vanilla also works very effectively.
4) Black pepper is also very effective at keeping mosquitoes, flies and other insects from biting you, but some people are allergic to black pepper and should try out a small amount on their skin for a few hours to see if there are no allergic reactions.
5) Apple Cider Vinegar
6) Soapy Water can be created by mixing soap with water, this will not repeal Mosquitoes, but it will attract them, which will keep them away from you. Mosquitoes and a lot of other insects are attracted to soapy water and this can be a good trap to catch all kinds of nasty insects. Also eating mints can cause you to eventually expel mint orders and keep mosquitoes away for good.
7) Mint is the most effective way to keep mosquitoes away, apply mint oils or put mint leaves on your diner plates to keep these nasty insects away. Or even pour some mint oil into a bottle and spray away. Plant Mint in your gardens to keep Mosquitoes out of your garden and your yard.
8) Garlic, just like vampires, mosquitoes are allergic to garlic and are very repelled by garlic. Eating garlic regularly will cause your body to expel garlic sent that will cause your body to naturally repell misquotes.
There are at least 50 different differences explained by this video between men and women, here are just a few to reflect on:
1) Men and Women see differently, as men have more Magnolcellular cells (M-Cells) in their eyes which permit men to track movements more efficiently, while women have more parvocellular cells (P-Cells) in their eyes which permit women to better analyze objects, color and texture. That is why women are very tuned to things with color and texture, while men are motivated more by moving objects, and tracking those objects. Like fast cars and such.
2) Baby boys are twices as more likely to look at moving objects than at peoples faces, while baby girls are more likely to look at faces instead of moving objects.
3) While girls tend to draw pictures with plenty of colors and objects, boys tend to concetrate more on actions than color and objects.
4) Females can hear better than males and very perceptive to changes in sound. While males can drown out background white noise better than females, males tend to ignore repetitive sounds, like a female repeating here self multiple times.
5) Females can express the emotions better than males.
This 88 year old retired to a ship cruise for the rest of her life. Her ship Cabin is her new home. With the Ship crew providing for all her needs. She doesn't need to shop or cook, the Cruise ship provides all her needs, including medical needs.
Even her laundry is taken care of. This is a lot better than any rest home.
In the mean time she gets to tour the entire world in her retirement.
We are driven by the need of DNA to replicate through sexual reproduction. A Fundamental definition of Life itself. Only Life can replicate, basic matter can not replicate.
This documentary explains how Chromosomes merge during conception to create a new, but different generation biologically related to their parents. The genes of your children, aren't just inherited from their parents, but also their parents ancestry.
Females start creating their eggs while they are fetuses prior to their own birth. While men start generating their sperm cells in puberty and end up crating more than 2 trillion sperm cells through their entire life time.
The Journey of our reproductive sperm cells and egg cells enter into a majestic journey of battling their way to conception. In the end, hundreds of millions of sperm cells die, only 1 or 2 survive to complete their mission. And that is only if ovulation has already occurred.
An unfertilized egg only has a few hours to be fertilized before die-ing. And after conception we spend our first 24 hours as a single cell that is as small to the mother as the mother is to the size of the Earth. Then the Journey of Life to human hood begins.
As this journey continues there are many dangers and biological miracles that must happen before a successful conception moves in to pregnancy and on to Birth can happen.
Learn how the Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Diets Have for decades have lead to fatter Americans and poorer Health
Video by David Diamond
That is right, Lower Cholesterol Diets and reduced Saturated Fats have been replaced with Carbohydrate diets, which has lead to record level obesity in America and every where else that this diet has been tried.
Lower Cholesterol actually has these bad side effects:
Lower Cholesterol leaves you more vulnerable to Cancer.
Lower Cholesterol leads to degraded brain function and other brain disorders associated with aging
Lower Cholesterol leads to weaker muscle mass
Lower Cholesterol has no real effect on Improved Heart Health (<1% improvement)
Higher Cholesterol has more benefits than the destructive side effects of Staten Drugs do.
The Primary reason being each cell creates its on Cholesterol for the expressed purpose of repairing itself. And when there is less Cholesterol the cells have less ability to repair themselves, fight off cancer, weaker immune systems and diminished brain & Nerve function.
The Medical Community has been mislead for decades to remove natural butter, Saturated Fats and read meat from our diets, and instead replace it with carbohydrate rich fibers, fruits and vegetables. Now not all Vegetables hare high in sugar, but about half are higher in sugar than table sugar is. Most all Fruits are higher in sugar than vegetables. So one needs to be more careful with higher sugar foods as this causes your blood cells to become more sticky and more prone to clogging which is the root cause of heart attacks and heart disease.
However your body needs carbohydrates to metabolize oxygen, and the only reason you breath oxygen is because of carbohydrates. Both of which must bond together in your cells mitochondria to produce life giving energy by making your Mitochondria chemically vibrate. You normally should never have to eat Carbohydrates, because a healthy Liver can make all the Carbohydrates your body needs. Except in Diabetics which may require eating Carbohydrates (Sugar) when the liver can't because it can't respond to the hormone Glucagon. Your blood sugars should be around 80mg/dl to 120mg/dl for healthy normal blood sugar levels.
The other miss guided assumption is that cholesterol is found in large quantities in the blood of heart attack victims and those with heart disease. Which is like blaming Police Officers for crimes, because a large number of Police officers are found at the scene of crimes and the criminals are no where to be found. So therefor Police must be the cause of the crimes. Which of course is never the case. But in medicine when it comes to cholesterol it is. Remember Cholesterol is created by damaged cells to repair those damaged cells. The cholesterol is not actually causing the damage, something else is, sticky blood cells are. Higher Cholesterol levels do not cause sticky blood cells.
The root causes of Sticky Blood cells are:
High Blood sugars
Diabetes (Same as # 2)
Obesity caused by High Carbohydrate diets.
The countries with the highest cholesterol levels, like the French, have the lowest instances of heart attacks and heart disease.
Created and pushed the Myth of High Cholesterol and Saturated Fats "Causes Heart Disease"
Learn how Corrupt Doctors and Corrupt Politicians pushed Group think that totally misguided the myth of how Higher Cholesterol and Saturated fats caused Heart disease, when they actually did not. All of which conspired to destroy Bible Thumping Gun toting Ranchers out of business, in addition to Steak Houses and Restaurants that served Steaks.
People die-ing of heart attacks had Cholesterol numbers all over the map, there was clearly no correlation between cholesterol levels and heart disease.
Cholesterol is actually produced by every cell in the body for the expressed purpose of fixing damaged cells. And just because you found some cholesterol in a diseased heart, doesn't prove it caused the heart disease, any more than finding fire extinguishers at a fire proved that fire extinguishers caused the fires.
Is it really possible to reverse the effect of aging? It actually is quite possible once you understanding of the underlining causes of aging:
1) Smaller Animals of the same species live longer
2) Smaller Humans live longer than taller or larger humans
3) The number of Mitochondria reduces by more than 50% as we age, the smaller number of Mitochondria the weaker and more prone to diseases our cells get.
4) The shorter our Telomeres the more difficult our cells have at reproducing.
5) Learn how Metformin (A Type 2 Diabetic Drug) can make you younger.
Rodney Danger Field
is a perfect example of how humor can trigger laughter.
Laughter is
a physical response to Humor, but it may have its origins in our ancestors as
they were getting away from predators and other dangers, and when they were
successful, laughed as a means to express their relief that they are safe and
no longer in Danger.Which is really the
basic foundation of what makes humor elicits laughter.Humor exploits a potential danger that we are
all familiar with, then spins the story in a way that results in a solution to
the problem or danger, and the danger or threat is avoided; either by
endangering someone else and not us, or simply a cleaver solution to the
Laughter is
another way to socially signal a way of getting a collective group of people to
cling together, as our best leaders and bosses use humor to trigger laughter as
a signal for unity and cooperation.Some
of our finest leaders were quite humorous people like President Ronald Reagan, Margret
Thatcher, General Paton, etc., …
So, if you
want to climb your way to the top, then become an expert at humor and learn how
to make others laugh.When enough people
start to follow you, your chances of becoming a leader or boss will greatly
The field of
study that specializes in the study of laughter and how it effects our body is
called gelotology .These Specialists have hooked up
electroencephalograph’s (EEG) to subjects, then studied their response to
Humor.Observers looked at:
1)The Left side of the cortex (the layer of cells
that covers the entire surface of the forebrain) and analyzed the words ad
structure of the joke
2)The Brains Large Frontal Lobe also became very
3)The Right hemisphere of the cortex carried out
intellectual analysis required to “get” the joke.
4)Brainwave activity then spread to the sensory
processing area of the occipital lobe (The area on the back of the head that contains
the cells that process visual signals)
5)Stimulation of motor sections evoked physical
responses to the joke
As a joke
practically stimulates all of the different sections of the brain to trigger
laughter, and if any part of the brain is malfunctioning, it may be very difficult
and perhaps impossible to get that person to laugh.Which means stimulating laughter can be a
good diagnostic tool to test one’s brain functions very quickly.
In Autism it
has been noticed that laughter is very difficult to stimulate as brain
functions may be seriously impaired.Other brain malfunctions have exhibited similar traits like the lack of
a since of humor.
Laughter seems to stimulate all the different sections of the brain, experts
seem to think since laughter is normally a series of intense exhales, this is
also a function of pushing more than normal amounts of oxygen into the lungs
and expelling more than normal amounts of CO2 out of the lungs on each breath.Because of the brain doing triple time the
work analyzing the humor.
Even though
humor is driven by the forces previously mentioned, there are 3 sub categories
of humor to examine:
Incongruity Theory:Humor can arise when familiar topics are
replaced with things or actions that normally don’t go together.Researcher Thomas Veatch says a joke can
become funny when we expect one outcome, and another happens instead.When a joke begins; our minds and bodies are
already anticipating what is going to happen and how it is going to end.And when the joke ends up taking a different
direction our thoughts and emotions we experience an incongruity between the
different parts of the joke as humorous.
Superiority Theory:Can
come into play when we laugh at someone else’s mistakes and misfortune because
it didn’t happen to us.We suddenly feel
superior because this.So, we laugh at
relief theory: is the basis for a
device movie-makers have used effectively for a long time. In action films or
thrillers where tension is high, the director uses comic relief at just the
right times. He builds up the tension or suspense as much as possible and then
breaks it down slightly with a side comment, enabling the viewer to relieve
himself of pent-up emotion, just so the movie can build it up again! Similarly,
an actual story or situation creates tension within us. As we try to cope with
two sets of emotions and thoughts, we need a release and laughter is the way of
cleansing our system of the built-up tension and incongruity. (According to Dr.
Lisa Rosenberg, humor, especially dark humor, can help workers cope with
stressful situations. "The act of producing humor, of making a joke, gives
us a mental break and increases our objectivity in the face of overwhelming
stress," she says.)
Why can’t I tickle myself?
you ever notice that no matter how you try to tickle yourself, you can’t
trigger yourself to laugh, but if someone else does it;you breakout laughing.Apparently for tickling to work there needs
to be an element of surprise, and when you do it to yourself, the element of
surprise is missing.