Video by: Reel Truth Science Documentaries
In this documentary you will discover how Dr. Burzynsky actually discovered a real cure for cancer, and even after the FDA approved his trials, they went after him like a criminal once they discovered his treatments actually cured cancer. The FDA is fighting a war against any real cure for cancer because it strips our governments of their power to control every aspect of our lives.
Cancer has become a weapon for Governments to Justify Social Engineering of their societies. Which forced the motivation of Government Grants for Cancer Research to hide any real cures of cancer. Because our Governments can hold the threat of the nightmare of cancers to do these things to us:
1) Strip us of our constitution rights of freedom of speech and freedom of press, (as they have done to the tobacco industry which can no longer advertise or defend themselves in the public square)
2) To criminalize, regulate and outlaw any product they want to, by merely declaring that product to cause cancer.
3) To criminalize, regulate and outlaw fossil fuel products by declaring them cancer causing.
4) Permitting our government to regulate every aspect of our lives by merely declaring activities that may cause cancer.
5) Force Obamacare down our throats.
5) Drive up the costs of drugs and medications through the 2500 different Obamacare taxes on our medications and prosthetic s.
6) Over tax products by simply declaring them to cause Cancer, while our government lines their pockets with our medication taxes, and not deliver any better drugs or medications.
Many times products declared to cause cancer are quite often discovered decades later to not cause cancer, as in the case of saccharin. Long after careers, jobs and lives destroyed.
It has become a perfect Storm with governments wanting more iron fisted conrol over their people and a medical research community that doesn't want to work themselves out of a job by completely curing cancer. Just as the bio-medical fields did in the 1970's by curing most all diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.