Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Health and Fitness for All: Dental Health Linked to Heart Health
Health and Fitness for All: Dental Health Linked to Hearth Health: That is right, your Dental Health is Linked to your Heart Health Dental Health has been long proven to be linked to Heart Health, yet ...
Dental Health Linked to Hearth Health
That is right, your Dental Health is Linked to your Heart Health
Dental Health has been long proven to be linked to Heart Health, yet Hospitals still will not permit Dentists and Oral Surgeons to operate inside of Hospitals, Dental Care is rare if ever provided in a Hospitals even today.
Yet as this picture shows, how Poor Dental Health can lead to Heart Disease, cause fatty plaques in your blood stream and cause inflammatory responses in the Blood vessels, thus leading to reduced blood flow throughout the body, leading to the risk of blood clots, Heart Attacks and high blood pressure.
When surgeons open up the heart during autopsy, and dissect the heart, then extract the plaque from the heart, they find the same plaque growing bacteria living in the heart Plaque, that they find living in the Dental Plaque. Which can lead to endocarditis, and infection of the inner lining of the heart, according to the Mayo Clinic and Colgate.
The people most at risk are those with chronic gum disease like gingivitis or advanced periodontal disease, Which can lead to additional infections of the heart and cause inflammation of the heart vessels.
Remember that these same dental and gum bacteria have the same antigen codes on the surface of their cells as do Heart Cells. So these bacteria cells seem to have a biological kinship and prefer to live in, near or around heart cells to setup camp and grow plaque.
Cellular Antigen's are like finger prints on the surface of each cell, that help identify friend or foe, this might explain why the human immune system quit often does very little to fight off this infection.
The Endocrinologist Dietitians of America have found that having 1 alcoholic beverage per week in Type 2 Diabetics, reduces heart disease chances by 33%, twice a week reduces it by 66% and 3 drinks per week reduces Heart Disease by 83%. Clearly the Alcohol is helping to kill these Dental invading bacteria and slowing down the progress of heart disease in Type 2 Diabetic patience. Any more than 3 drinks a week does damage to your liver, and can negate any beneficial effects for the heart, by damaging the Liver and other organs.
Edmund Williams
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Why Obamacare doesn't work
Why the Obamacare Promises never Worked
Prager U presents Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institute explains
Lanhee explains why Obamacare never worked and has fallen on its face, just as all Government run Healthcare does, as all Government run Bureaucracies have tremendous waste and astronomical spending that has nothing to do with the intended targeted expenses, like quality Healthcare.
Before Obamacare America spent more on Medical research than all the other Government run Healthcare countries in the World, making the American Healthcare system the most innovative and efficient system the world has ever seen. With the most cures and treatments ever developed by any other countries.
In Government run healthcare, Healthcare is always rationed because very little of the money collected by the Government rarely goes to Healthcare, all it does is make Politicians wealthy, while everyone else is waiting years to be treated for seriously needed surgery's. The Government run Bureaucracies by default becomes the death panels that decide who lives and who dies, and Government run Bureaucracies will always use Demographics to make that decision, to make sure those demographics that keep voting the government officials into power get the best healthcare, while all other demographics suffer.
Remember that Government officials and elected representatives are all exempted from Obamacare. If Obamacare was so great, why didn't those Senators and Congressmen get into Obamacare? Answer: Because the older more efficient American system was better, when it was run by free market capitalism there are far more rewards directed to those actually doing the work.
No one seems to complain when a football player makes 10 million dollars a year for just playing football. Yet the Obamacare supporters and defenders really get bent out of shape if a doctor earn's his share for saving lives or inventing a cure that saves millions or even billions of lives. Which the previously mentioned football player never did or ever will do.
By Edmund
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Biological Immortal Life Around us Everywhere
Biological Immortality is actually more common than you would think
The Turritopsis Nutricula Jelly Fish
This Backward aging Turritopsis Nutricula Jelly fish starts out as a Jelly fish egg, then hatches into a polyp (a baby jelly fish) and then as it matures and grows, morphs into a full blown Jelly fish, just like a Tad poll grows into a frog, then it lays eggs, at which point most Jelly fish would die of old age, this jelly fish instead enters into a biological process called Trans-differentiation, which causes this Jelly Fish to actually age backwards and then enters back into an embryonic state, and then rebirth's itself back into a baby jelly fish (Polyp), and repeats the previous life cycle as before, an indefinite number of times, as it ages forwards and backwards, over and over again. And never actually aging. Thus defeating the aging process.
True Biological Immortality. Even though this jelly fish can still die of all the same things that kill other jelly fish; like starvation, predators, disease, etc., ... Time itself can not kill this Jelly fish if left to its own demise.
The Lobster
The Lobster appears to be immortal as well, because no one has ever found a Lobster that has died of old age. Only dead from predators like Red Lobster Restaurant chain, octopuses, fish, disease, etc., ... as the Lobster gets older it only gets larger and more fertile and no signs of organ wear and tear either according to Smithsonian, the older the Lobster gets, the larger it gets. Some Lobsters have been found to be as old as 140, 150 years or more old based on their size.
Flat Worms
Regenerating Flat Worms, also known as planarian worms, appear to be immortal as well, because they can regenerate freshly new young tissues when injured, as well as split an infinite number of times.
The Sea Turtle
Sea Turtles have been known to live for hundreds of years with no signs of organ degradation over time and if they can avoid predators and disease could theoretically live for ever.
Bacteria are clearly the true champions of Immortality, if immortality is measured by how many times your cells can replicate. Bacteria have the ability to replicate an infinite number of times, because if they couldn't, the world would of been bacteria and disease free a very long time ago.
However, most bacteria live with us on and in our bodies, and have a symbiotic relationship with our bodies to help us digest our foods to defending against other bacteria that do want to harm us. It has been proven, that for every cell in our bodies there are 10 bacteria cells living on our skin and in our bodies and digestive tracks, like fish living in a coral reef. Which means that 90% of the cells in our bodies are biological immortal, only our human cells are not. Human cells can only replicate about 52 generations before the end of the road.
We are constantly surrounded by immortal species every where without realizing it.
By Edmund
and the Daily Health Guide Blogg
Friday, November 23, 2018
Myths about Radiation Exposure exposed by John Stossel
The Myths behind Radiation Exposure has cased more harm than good
By John Stossel
John Stossel exposed how the Myths of Radiation exposure have harmed more people than the radiation, as the Anti-Nuke Propaganda forecasted thousands and millions die-ing from radiation exposure and Nuclear accidents, the price of Energy is driven up by this Hoax as fossil fuel prices get manipulated by other propaganda along the same lines.
Remember without Electrical energy we would be living in the Stone age, and in the stone age it was no picnic. Women used to spend 120 hours a week just cleaning close, cooking food and washing dishes without any running water or machines to help. This why all the great old cities of the world are near great bodies of water or rivers.
In the past the New York Times said that future generations of Japanese survivors would give birth to mutant freaks, and many in the world believed the lies of New York times, while countless thousands that survived the Atomic Bombings had their lives destroyed by these very lies, as they were cast out and turned into diseased people, even when they were not diseased people. They couldn't get jobs or live in any community without getting run out of town.
Nuclear Power is not what you Have been Told
Learn how those in Power and in the Media have been lying to us about Nuclear power.
The Threat of Nuclear power accidents have been grossly exaggerated, where they predicted 100's of thousands die-ing from a Nuclear accident, the first accident had Zero dead and the 2nd only had 50 killed.
Watch this Video on how Nuclear Power has been demonized by Power hungry Politicians and Energy Regulators to keep energy prices artificially high. And is also the main reason we can't go back to the Moon, because the NRC has lowered radiation exposure limits so Low, that Astronauts are not permitted to fly beyond the Van Allen Belts.
By Edmund
Health and Fitness for All: The Story behind where and how your Dog gets Heart...
Health and Fitness for All: The Story behind where and how your Dog gets Heart...: This is how your Dog catches Heart Worms This Video describes in detail the biological life cycle of Heart Worms and how they effect ...
The Story behind where and how your Dog gets Heart Worms
This is how your Dog catches Heart Worms
This Video describes in detail the biological life cycle of Heart Worms and how they effect your dog's health.
Fortunately for Humans, we are completely immune to Heart Worms. But our Dogs are not, there is some sort of immune defect in Dogs that permits them to catch heart worms with little or no immunity to it.
The Heart Worms are caught from Mosquito bites, so keeping your dog indoors or using Mosquito repelent will go a long ways to preventing heart worms in your dogs.
By Edmund
Sunday, October 14, 2018
How Too Much Oxygen can be deadly and dangerous
That is right, too much or too little oxygen can be deadly or dangerous
So what are the except-able Levels of oxygen?
Our atmosphere normally has on average about 20.9% Oxygen in it. The minimal Oxygen Levels which we need for healthy organ function is 19.5%. which means there is only a puny 1.4% margin of error in current oxygen levels for healthy organ function.
Even though we can breath and live with 100% oxygen for breathing indefinitely, you wouldn't want to live in that world for very long. It is recommended that the maximum oxygen levels at 1 atmospheric pressure is 24%, otherwise fires can ignite and be difficult if not impossible to put out. If you think today's forest fires are bad, wait until the oxygen levels get above 24% and there won't be a fire truck big enough to put out that fire.
Remember the Apollo 1 crew were incinerated because they were breathing pure 100% oxygen at 1 atmosphere which triggered a spontaneous fire from the over heated wiring.
Even though we can breath 100% oxygen at 1 atmospheric pressure, this is not the case at other atmospheric pressures. This is why Recreational SCUBA diving ends at 130 to 150 feet. Because with 20.9% Oxygen at 200ft Oxygen becomes a deadly poison at 8 atmospheres, and will start to liquefy lung tissues and dissolve away your nervous system. In order to dive deeper than 150ft, you must be a certified SCUBA diver in the use of computerized Re-breathers that can remix the oxygen ratios at lower levels at higher pressures, so that you can dive down to 200ft and deeper. But requires very specialized extremely expensive SCUBA Computerized Diving equipment and advanced technical training.
Nitrox SCUBA tanks which contain 67% oxygen, are limited to only a diving depth of 60ft. But you can stay under water much longer and have more energy during the dive if you don't go below the 60ft depth.
By Edmund Williams and Daily Health Guide Blogg
The Real Reason why we have to breath Oxygen to Stay alive
Why we have to Breath Oxygen to stay alive
They Primary Reason we have to Breath Oxygen to Stay alive is because of that Evil Sugar (Carbohydrates) that we are all told to hate. While many believe it is because we need oxygen to keep our blood red, while forgetting that the blood is only a temporary transport for oxygen, but is not the end use of oxygen.
The End use of oxygen is to be consumed by each cell of our body and to bond with a sugar Molecule in the Mitochondria of each cell. With of a help of an lysosomal acid alpha-glucosidase enzyme metabolizes and bonds oxygen with Sugar molecules which produces energy; which permits the Mitochondria of each cell to chemically vibrate. It is this chemical Vibration of the Mitochondria that keeps the cell alive and what distinguishes a living cell from a dead cell.
If this enzyme is missing, you effectively have Pompe Disease, which is disabling and deadly disease, normally caused by a genetic defect which slowly causes each cell to gradually loose the ability to produce this very important enzyme, and thus loose the ability to bond oxygen to sugar for energy production.
Fortunately a couple of decades ago a treatment was discovered that can deliver this important enzyme to each cell and permit patients of Pompe Disease to survive and learn to lead close to normal lives. Otherwise most patience with this disease are dead before the age of 9.
So where does Insulin come in? ... Well insulin has nothing to do with sugar bonding with oxygen, insulin is a digestive hormone that communicates a hormonal message between a sugar molecule and a cells insulin receptor, thus permitting the cells to find the sugar in the blood. It is the cells eating that sugar that lowers your blood sugar, not insulin. Insulin itself is doing nothing to the blood sugars in your blood. It is the cells eating or not eating the sugars in your blood that determines the final blood sugar levels.
By Edmund Williams and Daily Health Guide
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Weight Loss Experiences
Look at how this Beautiful young Lady Lost 60lbs.
More on Health and Fitness
Monday, October 8, 2018
Spin Me Right Round! Groundbreaking Diet Reverses Conventional Wisdom
When I first heard this news, it spun my head right round.
Actually, if you’re
like me, you won’t believe it until you’ve been shown the facts and heard the
multitudes of raving testimonials.
Let me break it to you: it is possible to lose 1-2 pounds
DAILY. And the method is HEALTHY, not some magic pill or sketchy supplement.
Even better, the system uses your body’s natural chemistry
to make it a fat-burning machine, so you don’t have to kill yourself at the
Does your head feel like a whirling dervish? Did a tornado
just whip through your mind?
It sounds insane, but according to the scientific proof —
and the thousands who have already
achieved these results — this is a real-life possibility for
those struggling with weight loss.
The reason it is hard to believe is that the mainstream
dieting mantras like “Eat less, exercise more” and “Count every calorie” are ineffective
for the majority of dieters. I’ll spare you the heaps of statistical
evidence—it’s evident simply by looking around.
The 2 Week Diet is a simple—yet potent—method developed and
perfected by Brian Flatt, a health & nutritionist coach, personal trainer,
and owner of R.E.V. Fitness. With over a decade of experience under his belt,
he’s the perfect guide to help you strap your own belt several holes tighter.
See what all the buzz is about here >> Click
Brian explains inside this short video exactly why — despite
what the medical community says — you
can drop 1-2 pounds of stubborn body fat each day in a healthy manner.
People across the globe are reporting that they’ve dropped
1-3 dress sizes, 1–3 inches off their waist, have flatter stomachs, and lost
fat off their hips, thighs, and butt in just 14 days.
Don’t just take my word for it.
See all the evidence and proof for yourself right here,
right now. >> Click
Sunday, October 7, 2018
The different Types of Diabetes
There are 4
different types of Diabetes, and what differentiates them.
Type 1
Diabetes is Insulin deficiency diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. It is sometimes referred to as juvenile
diabetes. However, anyone can get Type 1
Diabetes at any age, but it is more commonly seen in children. This is a more serious form of this disease
as it can hit very quickly and can cause death within weeks of the pancreas losing
all ability to produce the digestive Hormone insulin.
The Primary root cause is an immune response disorder that
attacks and kills islet cells in the pancreases. But it can also be caused by Pancreatitis,
pancreatic cancer, physical injury to the pancreases that can cause the loss of
your pancreases or a badly managed Type 2 Diabetes.
of this disease include tiredness, especially after eating a meal, frequent
urination, high blood pressure, fast and rapid weight loss (Like 50 lbs per
day), degraded vision or blindness, Premature Menopause, etc., …
The Cure for Type 1 Diabetes is called the islet Transplant, which can take 2 forms:
A) Transplanting a Healthy pancreas onto the Diabetic pancreas
B) If the Diabetic is prone to pancreatitis, then transplanting Islet cells into your Liver is the alternative plan
The Cure for Type 1 Diabetes is called the islet Transplant, which can take 2 forms:
A) Transplanting a Healthy pancreas onto the Diabetic pancreas
B) If the Diabetic is prone to pancreatitis, then transplanting Islet cells into your Liver is the alternative plan
In either case, the patient must depend on immune depressants for the rest of their lives, because remember in the original disease it was caused by an improper immune response and the immune system is already defective at attacking Islet cells in the first place. So one has to except replacing their Type 1 Diabetes with Medically induced Aids.
Only Type 1 Diabetics on their death beads with this disease qualify for this procedure. There are approximately only about 40 or so clinics in the world that provide this procedure, and only about 500 Type 1 Diabetic patients have been given Islet transplants.
Only Type 1 Diabetics on their death beads with this disease qualify for this procedure. There are approximately only about 40 or so clinics in the world that provide this procedure, and only about 500 Type 1 Diabetic patients have been given Islet transplants.
Type 2
Diabetes is insulin resistance Diabetes or adult onset diabetes. But again, even though this disease is more
commonly seen in older adults, it is starting to show up in younger children
more often now days.
The Primary Root Cause of this form of
Diabetes is a malfunctioning Duodenum.
This Duodenum is the first 12 inches of your 30-foot-long small
intestine (or about 1/30th of the small intestine full length) and
has the intended function of absorbing iron.
As Well as other sections of the small intestine are dedicated to
absorbing a specific vitamin, mineral or nutrient of some sort. The duodenum is dedicated to absorbing iron
out of your food. Which make sense, … since
your body need oxygen to metabolize sugar (Carbohydrates).
However, for some bizarre reason not
fully understood, about 8% of the time it absorbs proteins by accident, and
these proteins get into your blood stream in an improperly digested state and
can be mistaken for digestive hormones like insulin, amylin, glucagon, etc., …. If these duodenum proteins get mistaken for insulin,
you get insulin resistant Diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes. If these proteins get mistaken for Amylin
then you gain weight, if they get mistaken for glucagon you get low blood
sugars (a common side effect of Diabetes), etc., …
Normally Type 2 Diabetics are not
treated with insulin, but instead insulin resistance fighting drugs like
Metformin. Because a Typical Type 2
Diabetic can produce 32 times more insulin than a none diabetic. So, the problem isn’t not enough insulin, but
instead insulin resistance. It is very
rare for a Type 2 diabetic to need insulin.
Because adding more insulin only makes the insulin resistance worse. However if Type 2 diabetes goes poorly manged for too long, the pancreas can eventually loose the ability to produce enough insulin, in which case Type 2 Diabetics may be prescribed insulin as well.
The resistance is caused by these duodenum
proteins corrupting the hormone receptors of the cells inducing hormone
resistance for that hormone function.
You are officially a Type 2 Diabetic if they corrupt insulin receptors
and cause insulin resistance.
of this disease include frequent urination, psoriasis of the skin, rheumatoid
arthritis, chronic dandruff that never goes away, degraded vision, tired and sleepy after eating a meal, sleepy and
tired all the time, Thirsty all of the time, Premature Menopause, Premature Andropause, etc., …
The Cure for Type 2 Diabetes include the Gastric By-pass (Duodenal Bypass), the Duodenal Switch operation or the endobarrier. All of these procedures work quickly at curing Type 2 Diabetes by causing food to bypass this organ, proteins can't get accidentally digested by this organ and thus cures Type 2 Diabetes. The endobarrier is the least intrusive since it doesn't require an operation or hospital stay.
The endobarrier is an inflatable cylinder that grabs the inside of your stomach and covers up the Duodenum (The first 12 inches of the Small Intestine). This procedure was developed by doctors in Chile as an alternative to Gastric Bypass Surgery.
The Cure for Type 2 Diabetes include the Gastric By-pass (Duodenal Bypass), the Duodenal Switch operation or the endobarrier. All of these procedures work quickly at curing Type 2 Diabetes by causing food to bypass this organ, proteins can't get accidentally digested by this organ and thus cures Type 2 Diabetes. The endobarrier is the least intrusive since it doesn't require an operation or hospital stay.
The endobarrier is an inflatable cylinder that grabs the inside of your stomach and covers up the Duodenum (The first 12 inches of the Small Intestine). This procedure was developed by doctors in Chile as an alternative to Gastric Bypass Surgery.
Diabetes Is the same as Type 2 diabetes, but is caused by being pregnant,
which can make for a very dangerous pregnancy.
The good news is this diabetes goes away after delivery of the baby and
the end of that pregnancy. However, the
Bad news is you will probably come down with full Type 2 Diabetes in about 10
years after that pregnancy.
Type 1
and Type 2 Diabetes is when your Type 2 Diabetes gets out of control and
poorly managed it can eventually lead to Type 1 Diabetes (insulin deficiency),
at which point you will start to need insulin.
This will mean you have the worst of diabetes, both insulin deficiency
and insulin resistance.
By Edmund
The guy lost 84 lbs
Peter told me how he
choked back tears of frustration when the doctor scolded him — AGAIN — about
how much danger his weight was putting him in…
It’s not like he
hadn’t tried everything! And either the scale would barely budge and he’d give
up after a couple weeks… Or he’d manage to lose some weight and then he’d gain
it all back in a weekend of bad choices — blowing weeks of hard work in a
couple days… :-(
Even being scolded and
terrified by the doctor didn’t help. In fact nothing helped until he stumbled
on a shocking trick that he almost didn’t try because it seemed too easy and
too good to be true…
Within days of
starting this simple morning ritual he could SEE changes in the mirror. And in
3 weeks he had lost so much weight that his momentum was unstoppable…
In 3 weeks he lost 27
In 3 months he lost 84
Over a year later… he
has not gained back an ounce!…
Check out these
SHOCKING pics he snapped…
YES! Same guy!!
(notice the arm band tattoo?)
Remember… the simple
morning trick Peter used to win his life back is so EASY that he almost
didn’t even bother checking it out!
Please don’t make that
mistake… Try Peter’s odd little trick tomorrow morning and see for yourself...
Best Regards,
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The Biology behind Type 2 Diabetes insulin resistance or adult onset diabetes
Adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance
In 1955, when I was born, about the same time that the first Bariatric Surgeons and Gastro intestinal surgeons were making ground breaking discoveries into the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes. Because a new Surgical procedure had been invented known as the duodenal bypass (or Gastric Bypass) which was used to treat duodenal ulcers, intestinal cancers and obesity. But an unexpected side effect was occurring; when this surgical procedure was done on Type 2 Diabetics it instantly cured them of Type 2 Diabetes.
Bariatric Surgeons and Gastro Intestinal Surgeons published their findings in
their respective journals, but unfortunately the official Diabetic experts, the
endocrinologists, didn’t spend much time reading those journals, because they
had their own Endocrinology journals to read.
So, this discovery went unnoticed for decades by the top Diabetic experts. These 2 groups of medical professions rarely
had anything to do with each other until 1993.
means Internal Hormone doctor. Because
Diabetes is an internal Hormone malfunction, with Insulin Hormone malfunction
being the primary focus of this disease.
But this disease really effects about every hormone in your body
eventually. Insulin is just one
digestive hormones amongst many that are also involved.
Grandfather died of Type 2 Diabetic Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugars) at the
age of 66 after eating a Thanksgiving Dinner in 1966, he was of a normal
weight, but had suffered from heart disease for many years. It was very common for him to have a heart
attack every other day, and be bed ridden for the rest of the day with an
oxygen mask and nitroglycerin pills. All
caused by his Type 2 Diabetes (Insulin Resistance). He was taking many kinds of medications as
well as insulin.
My Father Had
Type 2 Diabetes and died in the year 2000 of kidney failure caused by Diabetes
at the age of 70. All my Aunts (all
normal weight) on my Father’s side of the Family all had Type 2 Diabetes as
well, but most lived much longer, one even lived to be 95 years old. My Father was overweight, and he also drank
beer with his metformin, which destroyed his kidneys. Many diabetics lose their kidneys this way.
primarily fights insulin resistance, not stimulate insulin production. A Type 2 Diabetic can produce as much as 32
times more insulin than a none diabetic, but over time the pancreas will be
damaged to the point you may eventually need insulin injections as the
pancreases gradually fails if the Type 2 Diabetes isn’t well managed or
controlled. But most Type 2 Diabetics
rarely need insulin, usually diet and medications are all that is needed. So, as
you can see, Type 2 Diabetes is clearly more to do with insulin resistance,
than insulin production most of the time.
The Side
effects of Metformin (or Glucophage) include diarrhea, stress on the kidneys,
stress on the heart and other organs.
Especially the kidneys if the Diabetic patient drinks too much alcoholic
beverages. When Alcohol mixes with
Metformin it creates and acid that can destroy your kidneys. So, anyone taking Metformin should stay away
from all alcoholic beverages.
At one point
in history Metformin was taken off the market because it was destroying people’s
kidneys, but once it was understood that the destruction was more to do with
mixing this medication with alcohol, then it returned to the market, with the
stipulation that the Type 2 Diabetic had to stay away from alcohol.
Even though
I did not know what the symptoms of diabetes were at that time, my first
symptoms of Diabetes that I recalled was when I was a Teenager, I started to
get Dandruff really bad, ACNE that was so horrible that it looked like my skin went
through the meat grinder a couple of times, constant psoriasis of the skin in
places where the sun never shined (including Dandruff), jock itch, heat rashes
in my groin area, a numbness in my Thys, numbness in my fingertips, constantly sleepy and tired in the middle of
the day, getting sleepy right after eating, taking long naps in the afternoon
and missing out on daily activities that my friends were out doing. While pissing like a race horse frequently.
Even though
I was very athletically involved in football, ping pong, track and field, I
would quite often go home very tired and sore, and the next morning feel like I
got ran over by a MAC truck a couple of times.
I only weighed in at 140lbs, but I was also 6 ft 1 inch tall, a normal
weight should have been 160lbs, So I was 20 pounds underweight, but still
suffering from symptoms of Diabetes.
As I got older
and gained more weight, these symptoms got worse, I didn’t get diagnosed with
Type 2 Diabetes until I was 38 years old and weighing about 250lbs, after
suffering from impotence problems.
Another symptom of Type 2 Diabetes is premature menopause, in men it is
called Andropause. As you gain weight
the symptoms of diabetes get progressively worse.
I officially
had Type 2 Diabetes for 16 years after being diagnosed, before I had it
surgically removed in 2012 with a Duodenal Switch operation. But before I did that, I had been on 2
different types of Insulins using maximum doses, Metformin (insulin
anti-resistance drug), 3 Different blood pressure medications, 3 different
cholesterol medications and 120 units of Methotrexate injections twice a day
for my psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Keep in mind
that the country with the highest percentage of Diabetics is India, even though
67% of them are vegetarians, 9% of their population are diabetics, compared to
America where 8% are officially diagnosed with diabetes. Also remember that a clear majority of
Indians are very thin. When was the last
time you saw a fat Indian (living in the country of India, Not Native
Americans)? Indians are some of the
thinnest people in the world, so clearly being fat is not the underlining
common denominator for Diabetes.
2/3rds of
the Diabetic population are either normal weight or thin. 1/3rd are overweight and less than
1% are obese, at least obese enough to qualify for Gastric Bypass surgery (BMI
> 35).
In 1993 an
Italian Doctor by the name of Dr. Francesco Rubino had a Diabetic Patient with
a BMI of 83 and was reading through the medical journals to find the best
treatment for his diabetic patient and kept running into those Bariatric and
Gastro Intestinal journals going as far back as the 1950’s, that were mentioned
earlier, talking about how Type 2 Diabetes was Getting eradicated through a
duodenal bypass surgery. So, Dr. Rubino
went to the medical labs using diabetic rats and repeated those surgeries on
diabetic rats.
The results
were confirmed, that when Dr. Rubino bypassed the Duodenum Type 2 Diabetes went
away in the diabetic rats, and when he restored the Duodenum back to its
original function; the Type 2 Diabetes returned. He was able to confirm that it wasn’t even
the entire duodenum at fault, it was only the first half of the duodenum that
was the source of Type 2 Diabetes.
Dr. Rubino
repeated the same experiments on thin diabetic rats and got the same exact
results. So, he effectively proven that Type 2 Diabetes
was a disease of the upper intestine, and not caused by being fat. Fat only makes the disease worse but is not
the real root cause of Type 2 Diabetes. The
duodenum is the first 12 inches of the small intestines in humans. It sort of looks like a second stomach
attached to your main stomach as it bulges out like a second stomach, then
wraps around and connects to the jejunum, but it is part of the Small intestine. The small intestine has 3 different sections,
the Duodenum, the Jejunum and the Ileum.
Type 2 Diabetes is strictly a function of the Duodenum itself.
The Biology behind Type 2 Diabetes
The biology
of the Duodenum is complicated, but to simply what appears to be going on, is
that the duodenum is designed to absorb Iron, as each section of your intestine
specializes in the absorption of specific nutrients from your food, some
sections absorb Vitamin A, others Vitamin C and near the end Vitamin B &
Proteins for example.
When the
Duodenum malfunctions it may absorb proteins (which is the wrong part of the
intestine to be absorbing proteins) incorrectly, and those proteins get
mistaken for digestive hormones like Insulin, Glucagon, Amylin, Ghrelin, etc.,
…. And end up corrupting those hormone receptors. If they corrupt the Insulin receptors, you
get Type 2 Diabetes insulin resistance.
If they corrupt Amylin receptors you get Amylin resistance and gain weight,
if it corrupts Glucagon receptors your liver may not make glucose (sugar) when
your body needs it, which will result in low blood sugar attacks and very
difficult to lose weight, etc., …
In Type 2
Diabetes the insulin resistance means your cells are not eating the Sugar
because they can’t find the sugar in your blood stream. The Insulin hormone simply communicates a
hormonal message between a sugar molecule and a cell, permitting the cells to
find the sugar in your blood. It is the
cells eating the sugar that actual lowers your blood sugar, not the insulin
itself. But this doesn’t work well if
the insulin receptors are corrupted with duodenum proteins that interfere with
these communications.
The cells
then take that freshly eaten sugar to the Cells Mitochondria to bond with
oxygen to create energy with the help of an enzyme, this causes your
Mitochondria to chemically vibrate and keep your cells alive. It is that vibrating Mitochondria that is the
heart beat of your cells that keeps your cells alive and functioning.
If that
sugar molecule contains a vitamin or nutrient of some sort, that vitamin or
nutrient converts that energy into literal work in that cell. Most
sugar molecules from natural sources like fruits and vegetables contain high
levels of vitamins and nutrients of different kinds. It is refined sugar that does not contain
anything useful for producing work in each cell. So, it isn’t just about keeping the Mitochondria
vibrating, but is also about getting some work done in the cell itself, so that each cell can function and perform valuable work for your body.
I entered
the Hospital on April 23rd,2012, I could barely walk 100ft without
having to stop to get my breath back. And
suffering from a Low Blood Sugar Attack.
I was taking 2 different kinds of insulin 120units of Basal Insulin
twice a day and regular meal insulin 3 times a day, Metformin, 3 different
Blood pressure medications, 3 different anti-cholesterol medications, heart
medications, Nitroglycerin for my heart disease, massive amounts of
Methotrexate for my psoriasis and CPAP machine for my Sleep Apnea. My pharmacist was making a really good living
off of me.
I had the
duodenal switch operation which has the greatest success for weight loss and
curing type 2 diabetes (a 98% success rate), I was already weighing in at
380lbs. In the duodenal switch operation
both the Duodenum and Jejunum are bypassed, and the Ileum replaces the
digestive path of those other 2 sections.
Remember that the small intestine is about 30 feet long, and the
Duodenum is only 1/30th of that 30 feet, which is 12 inches as
previously mentioned. Most of that 30
feet is the Jejunum; the Ileum is about 2 to 4 meters (or 6ft to 12ft long) at
the end of the small intestines.
Right after
surgery, all my hunger pains were gone.
And the Low Blood sugar attack I was suffering from right before the
surgery was gone, and never happened again.
3 Days after the surgery my Diabetes
was cured, I wasn’t taking anything, no more insulin, no more Metformin, no
more Blood pressure medications, no more Anti-cholesterol medications and no
more methotrexate. However, When I left
the Hospital 5 days after surgery I
did leave the hospital wearing about 5 colonoscopy bags, because I started
losing so much weight on the 4th day so fast that water was exiting
my fat cells so quickly that water was squirting out of my surgical incisions
and stitches.
I looked
like a water fountain or one of those cartoons where when they get shot up,
Bugs Bunny drinks a glass of water, then water squirts out of his body like a
water fountain. However, the numbness in
my thighs disappeared, the dumbness in my fingertips disappeared, my Sleep
Apnea went away. I wasn’t peeing like a
race horse every 30 minutes like I used to.
My dandruff went away, my skin psoriasis went away. My skin started to take on a younger moister
texture. And the squirting and leaking water went away about 2 weeks after the surgery.
I was also
finding it very difficult to sleep, it seemed like every cell in my body was
now running on nuclear power. I never
felt tired or sleep like I used to, not even at night when I was supposed to
sleep. But over about 6 months’ time my
normal sleep cycles returned, but even then, I was only sleeping about 4 to 6
hours instead of 8 hours. I guess 8
hours of sleep is intended for diabetics.
1 month after surgery I took a sleep
apnea test and was found to be cured of sleep apnea.
3 months after surgery; my doctor did a
sonogram of my heart and found that the hardening of my arteries had completely
cleared up. I also went to see my
cardiologist and he confirmed the same thing and that I no longer needed
nitroglycerin or other heart medications either. By this time my weight had dropped all the
way down to 220 lbs, a total weight loss of 160 lbs in 3 months, most of it lost
in the first 3 weeks after the operation.
Cardiologist says his other patience that got the same procedure experienced
the same exact things that I went through.
A completely clearing up of the hardening of my arteries, like it was
some sort of sinuous cleansing.
When I
worked out, I could run a full lap or 2 at full speed and not even find myself
breathing hard. And when I woke up in
the mornings, I wasn’t sore or tender everywhere like I used to be. I was in better shape now at age 56 than I
was when I was a teenager playing interscholastic league football.
When this
procedure is done on women, and they suffer from premature menopause caused by
Type 2 Diabetes, their Menopause is reversed, and they will immediately start
to have perfectly synchronous 28-day menstrual cycles, even if they never had
perfect 28-day menstrual cycles before and be able to conceive starting about
18 months after surgery. While getting their
sex life and child bearing years fully restored.
However, men
that get Andropause because of Type 2 Diabetes do not get their sex life back
from this procedure. Andropause is a
permanent condition. So, if you have
Type 2 Diabetes and haven’t gotten Andropause yet, you should seriously
consider this procedure before you do get Andropause. Otherwise you sex life will be permanently
This surgery
only cost $8,000 to $25,000 plus hospital stay, which is probably a bargain
considering that in previous years I was in the hospital once or twice a year
from diabetic complications that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each
You will
also be required to go through 6 months of medical and psychological
examinations, including biopsy of your digestive track to confirm you are not a
Type 1 Diabetic but instead a full blown Type 2 Diabetic and your Duodenum is
causing it. Before you get the actual
It is now 6
years later, and I am still cured of Type 2 diabetes…. And haven’t needed a hospital stay again do to
Diabetic complications.
Good news is
that Doctor’s in Chili have recently invented another technique that is far
less intrusive in addition to costing many orders of magnitude less, and it is
called the Endobarrier. This is where they insert a capsule on a
string and into your stomach and duodenum then blow up an inflatable cylinder
into the Duodenum, that latches onto the inside of your stomach. Thus, covering up the Duodenum completely as
it inserts itself into the duodenum while inflating. This is said to be just as effective as the
Duodenal bypass (Gastric Bypass), for so long as food does not touch the
Duodenum, Type 2 Diabetes is eradicated.
There are
now intense studies being done in universities around the world developing
drugs and procedures to fix the duodenum itself. The ideal cure would be a drug that fixes the
duodenum. It might even be possible that
a natural plant, fruit or vegetable might fix the duodenum and avoid any of
these complicated and risky procedures.
By Edmund
Diabetes Association Publication dated 09/23/2014
My own
personal experiences
12 years of
Diabetic education by Endocrinologist dietitians. (Standard procedures by endocrinologist)
Forest Park
Medical Center & Barker Bariatrics
Friday, September 14, 2018
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