That is right, your Dental Health is Linked to your Heart Health
Dental Health has been long proven to be linked to Heart Health, yet Hospitals still will not permit Dentists and Oral Surgeons to operate inside of Hospitals, Dental Care is rare if ever provided in a Hospitals even today.
Yet as this picture shows, how Poor Dental Health can lead to Heart Disease, cause fatty plaques in your blood stream and cause inflammatory responses in the Blood vessels, thus leading to reduced blood flow throughout the body, leading to the risk of blood clots, Heart Attacks and high blood pressure.
When surgeons open up the heart during autopsy, and dissect the heart, then extract the plaque from the heart, they find the same plaque growing bacteria living in the heart Plaque, that they find living in the Dental Plaque. Which can lead to endocarditis, and infection of the inner lining of the heart, according to the Mayo Clinic and Colgate.
The people most at risk are those with chronic gum disease like gingivitis or advanced periodontal disease, Which can lead to additional infections of the heart and cause inflammation of the heart vessels.
Remember that these same dental and gum bacteria have the same antigen codes on the surface of their cells as do Heart Cells. So these bacteria cells seem to have a biological kinship and prefer to live in, near or around heart cells to setup camp and grow plaque.
Cellular Antigen's are like finger prints on the surface of each cell, that help identify friend or foe, this might explain why the human immune system quit often does very little to fight off this infection.
The Endocrinologist Dietitians of America have found that having 1 alcoholic beverage per week in Type 2 Diabetics, reduces heart disease chances by 33%, twice a week reduces it by 66% and 3 drinks per week reduces Heart Disease by 83%. Clearly the Alcohol is helping to kill these Dental invading bacteria and slowing down the progress of heart disease in Type 2 Diabetic patience. Any more than 3 drinks a week does damage to your liver, and can negate any beneficial effects for the heart, by damaging the Liver and other organs.
Edmund Williams
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