Video by Brave New World,
Published Aug. 9,2016
There are at least 50 different differences explained by this video between men and women, here are just a few to reflect on:
1) Men and Women see differently, as men have more Magnolcellular cells (M-Cells) in their eyes which permit men to track movements more efficiently, while women have more parvocellular cells (P-Cells) in their eyes which permit women to better analyze objects, color and texture. That is why women are very tuned to things with color and texture, while men are motivated more by moving objects, and tracking those objects. Like fast cars and such.
2) Baby boys are twices as more likely to look at moving objects than at peoples faces, while baby girls are more likely to look at faces instead of moving objects.
3) While girls tend to draw pictures with plenty of colors and objects, boys tend to concetrate more on actions than color and objects.
4) Females can hear better than males and very perceptive to changes in sound. While males can drown out background white noise better than females, males tend to ignore repetitive sounds, like a female repeating here self multiple times.
5) Females can express the emotions better than males.