Friday, November 23, 2018

Myths about Radiation Exposure exposed by John Stossel

The Myths behind Radiation Exposure has cased more harm than good

By John Stossel

John Stossel exposed how the Myths of Radiation exposure have harmed more people than the radiation, as the Anti-Nuke Propaganda forecasted thousands and millions die-ing from radiation exposure  and Nuclear accidents, the price of Energy is driven up by this Hoax as fossil fuel prices get manipulated by other propaganda along the same lines.

Remember without Electrical energy we would be living in the Stone age, and in the stone age it was no picnic.  Women used to spend 120 hours a week just cleaning close, cooking food and washing dishes without any running water or machines to help.  This why all the great old cities of the world are near great bodies of water or rivers.

In the past the New York Times said that future generations of Japanese survivors would give birth to mutant freaks, and many in the world believed the lies of New York times, while countless thousands that survived the Atomic Bombings had their lives destroyed by these very lies, as they were cast out and turned into diseased people, even when they were not diseased people.  They couldn't get jobs or live in any community without getting run out of town.

Nuclear Power is not what you Have been Told

Learn how those in Power and in the Media have been lying to us about Nuclear power.

The Threat of Nuclear power accidents have been grossly exaggerated, where they predicted 100's of thousands die-ing from a Nuclear accident, the first accident had Zero dead and the 2nd only had 50 killed.

Watch this Video on how Nuclear Power has been demonized by Power hungry Politicians and Energy Regulators to keep energy prices artificially high.  And is also the main reason we can't go back to the Moon, because the NRC has lowered radiation exposure limits so Low, that Astronauts are not permitted to fly beyond the Van Allen Belts.

By Edmund

Health and Fitness for All: The Story behind where and how your Dog gets Heart...

Health and Fitness for All: The Story behind where and how your Dog gets Heart...: This is how your Dog catches Heart Worms This Video describes in detail the biological life cycle of Heart Worms and how they effect ...

The Story behind where and how your Dog gets Heart Worms

This is how your Dog catches Heart Worms

This Video describes in detail the biological life cycle of Heart Worms and how they effect your dog's health.

Fortunately for Humans, we are completely immune to Heart Worms.  But our Dogs are not, there is some sort of immune defect in Dogs that permits them to catch heart worms with little or no immunity to it.

The Heart Worms are caught from Mosquito bites, so keeping your dog indoors or using Mosquito repelent will go a long ways to preventing heart worms in your dogs. 

By Edmund