Sunday, October 14, 2018

How Too Much Oxygen can be deadly and dangerous

That is right, too much or too little oxygen can be deadly or dangerous

So what are the except-able Levels of oxygen?

Our atmosphere normally has on average about 20.9% Oxygen in it.  The minimal Oxygen Levels which we need for healthy organ function is 19.5%.  which means there is only a puny 1.4% margin of error in current oxygen levels for healthy organ function.

Even though we can breath and live with 100% oxygen for breathing indefinitely, you wouldn't want to live in that world for very long.  It is recommended that the maximum oxygen levels at 1 atmospheric pressure is 24%, otherwise fires can ignite and be difficult if not impossible to put out.  If you think today's forest fires are bad, wait until the oxygen levels get above 24% and there won't be a fire truck big enough to put out that fire.

Remember the Apollo 1 crew were incinerated because they were breathing pure 100% oxygen at 1 atmosphere which triggered a spontaneous fire from the over heated wiring.

Even though we can breath 100% oxygen at 1 atmospheric pressure, this is not the case at other atmospheric pressures.  This is why Recreational SCUBA diving ends at 130 to 150 feet.  Because with 20.9% Oxygen at 200ft Oxygen becomes a deadly poison at 8 atmospheres, and will start to liquefy lung tissues and dissolve away your nervous system.  In order to dive deeper than 150ft, you must be a certified SCUBA diver in the use of computerized Re-breathers that can remix the oxygen ratios at lower levels at higher pressures, so that you can dive down to 200ft and deeper.  But requires very specialized extremely expensive SCUBA Computerized Diving equipment and advanced technical training.

Nitrox SCUBA tanks which contain 67% oxygen, are limited to only a diving depth of 60ft.  But you can stay under water much longer and have more energy during the dive if you don't go below the 60ft depth.

By Edmund Williams and Daily Health Guide Blogg

The Real Reason why we have to breath Oxygen to Stay alive

Why we have to Breath Oxygen to stay alive

They Primary Reason we have to Breath Oxygen to Stay alive is because of that Evil Sugar (Carbohydrates) that we are all told to hate.   While many believe it is because we need oxygen to keep our blood red, while forgetting that the blood is only a temporary transport for oxygen, but is not the end use of oxygen.

The End use of oxygen is to be consumed by each cell of our body and to bond with a sugar Molecule in the Mitochondria of each cell.  With of a help of an lysosomal acid alpha-glucosidase enzyme metabolizes and bonds oxygen with Sugar molecules which produces energy; which permits the Mitochondria of each cell to chemically vibrate.  It is this chemical Vibration of the Mitochondria that keeps the cell alive and what distinguishes a living cell from a dead cell.

If this enzyme is missing, you effectively have Pompe Disease, which is disabling and deadly disease, normally caused by a genetic defect which slowly causes each cell to gradually loose the ability to produce this very important enzyme, and thus loose the ability to bond oxygen to sugar for energy production.

Fortunately a couple of decades ago a treatment was discovered that can deliver this important enzyme to each cell and permit patients of Pompe Disease to survive and learn to lead close to normal lives.  Otherwise most patience with this disease are dead before the age of 9.

So where does Insulin come in?  ... Well insulin has nothing to do with sugar bonding with oxygen, insulin is a digestive hormone that communicates a hormonal message between a sugar molecule and a cells insulin receptor, thus permitting the cells to find the sugar in the blood.  It is the cells eating that sugar that lowers your blood sugar, not insulin.  Insulin itself is doing nothing to the blood sugars in your blood.  It is the cells eating or not eating the sugars in your blood that determines the final blood sugar levels.

By Edmund Williams and Daily Health Guide

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Weight Loss Experiences

Look at how this Beautiful young Lady Lost 60lbs.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Spin Me Right Round! Groundbreaking Diet Reverses Conventional Wisdom

When I first heard this news, it spun my head right round.

Actually,  if you’re like me, you won’t believe it until you’ve been shown the facts and heard the multitudes of raving testimonials.

Let me break it to you: it is possible to lose 1-2 pounds DAILY. And the method is HEALTHY, not some magic pill or sketchy supplement.

Even better, the system uses your body’s natural chemistry to make it a fat-burning machine, so you don’t have to kill yourself at the gym.

Does your head feel like a whirling dervish? Did a tornado just whip through your mind?

It sounds insane, but according to the scientific proof — and the thousands who have already

achieved these results — this is a real-life possibility for those struggling with weight loss.

The reason it is hard to believe is that the mainstream dieting mantras like “Eat less, exercise more” and “Count every calorie” are ineffective for the majority of dieters. I’ll spare you the heaps of statistical evidence—it’s evident simply by looking around.

The 2 Week Diet is a simple—yet potent—method developed and perfected by Brian Flatt, a health & nutritionist coach, personal trainer, and owner of R.E.V. Fitness. With over a decade of experience under his belt, he’s the perfect guide to help you strap your own belt several holes tighter.

See what all the buzz is about here >> Click Here

Brian explains inside this short video exactly why — despite what the medical community says  — you can drop 1-2 pounds of stubborn body fat each day in a healthy manner.

People across the globe are reporting that they’ve dropped 1-3 dress sizes, 1–3 inches off their waist, have flatter stomachs, and lost fat off their hips, thighs, and butt in just 14 days.


Don’t just take my word for it.

See all the evidence and proof for yourself right here, right now.  >> Click Here

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The different Types of Diabetes

There are 4 different types of Diabetes, and what differentiates them.

1)      Type 1 Diabetes is Insulin deficiency diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes.  It is sometimes referred to as juvenile diabetes.  However, anyone can get Type 1 Diabetes at any age, but it is more commonly seen in children.    This is a more serious form of this disease as it can hit very quickly and can cause death within weeks of the pancreas losing all ability to produce the digestive Hormone insulin. 

The Primary root cause is an immune response disorder that attacks and kills islet cells in the pancreases.  But it can also be caused by Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, physical injury to the pancreases that can cause the loss of your pancreases or a badly managed Type 2 Diabetes.

Symptoms of this disease include tiredness, especially after eating a meal, frequent urination, high blood pressure, fast and rapid weight loss (Like 50 lbs per day), degraded  vision or blindness, Premature Menopause, etc., …

The Cure for Type 1 Diabetes is called the islet Transplant, which can take 2 forms:

  A) Transplanting a Healthy pancreas onto the Diabetic pancreas

  B) If the Diabetic is prone to pancreatitis, then transplanting Islet cells into your Liver is the alternative plan

 In either case, the patient must depend on immune depressants for the rest of their lives,      because remember in the original disease it was caused by an improper immune response and the immune system is already defective at attacking Islet cells in the first place.  So one has to except replacing their Type 1 Diabetes with Medically induced Aids.

Only Type 1 Diabetics on their death beads with this disease qualify for this procedure.  There are approximately only about 40 or so clinics in the world that provide this procedure, and only about 500 Type 1 Diabetic patients have been given Islet transplants.

2)      Type 2 Diabetes is insulin resistance Diabetes or adult onset diabetes.  But again, even though this disease is more commonly seen in older adults, it is starting to show up in younger children more often now days.

The Primary Root Cause of this form of Diabetes is a malfunctioning Duodenum.  This Duodenum is the first 12 inches of your 30-foot-long small intestine (or about 1/30th of the small intestine full length) and has the intended function of absorbing iron.  As Well as other sections of the small intestine are dedicated to absorbing a specific vitamin, mineral or nutrient of some sort.  The duodenum is dedicated to absorbing iron out of your food.  Which make sense, … since your body need oxygen to metabolize sugar (Carbohydrates).

However, for some bizarre reason not fully understood, about 8% of the time it absorbs proteins by accident, and these proteins get into your blood stream in an improperly digested state and can be mistaken for digestive hormones like insulin, amylin, glucagon, etc., ….  If these duodenum proteins get mistaken for insulin, you get insulin resistant Diabetes, or Type 2 Diabetes.  If these proteins get mistaken for Amylin then you gain weight, if they get mistaken for glucagon you get low blood sugars (a common side effect of Diabetes), etc., …

Normally Type 2 Diabetics are not treated with insulin, but instead insulin resistance fighting drugs like Metformin.  Because a Typical Type 2 Diabetic can produce 32 times more insulin than a none diabetic.  So, the problem isn’t not enough insulin, but instead insulin resistance.  It is very rare for a Type 2 diabetic to need insulin.  Because adding more insulin only makes the insulin resistance worse.  However if Type 2 diabetes goes poorly manged for too long, the pancreas can eventually loose the ability to produce enough insulin, in which case Type 2 Diabetics may be prescribed insulin as well.

The resistance is caused by these duodenum proteins corrupting the hormone receptors of the cells inducing hormone resistance for that hormone function.  You are officially a Type 2 Diabetic if they corrupt insulin receptors and cause insulin resistance.

Symptoms of this disease include frequent urination, psoriasis of the skin, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic dandruff that never goes away, degraded vision, tired and sleepy after eating a meal, sleepy and tired all the time, Thirsty all of the time, Premature Menopause, Premature Andropause, etc., …

The Cure for Type 2 Diabetes include the Gastric By-pass (Duodenal Bypass), the Duodenal Switch operation or the endobarrier.  All of these procedures work quickly at curing Type 2 Diabetes by causing food to bypass this organ, proteins can't get accidentally digested by this organ and thus cures Type 2 Diabetes.  The endobarrier is the least intrusive since it doesn't require an operation or hospital stay.  

The endobarrier is an inflatable cylinder that grabs the inside of your stomach and covers up the Duodenum (The first 12 inches of the Small Intestine).   This procedure was developed by doctors in Chile as an alternative to Gastric Bypass Surgery.

3)      Gestation Diabetes Is the same as Type 2 diabetes, but is caused by being pregnant, which can make for a very dangerous pregnancy.   The good news is this diabetes goes away after delivery of the baby and the end of that pregnancy.  However, the Bad news is you will probably come down with full Type 2 Diabetes in about 10 years after that pregnancy. 

4)      Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes is when your Type 2 Diabetes gets out of control and poorly managed it can eventually lead to Type 1 Diabetes (insulin deficiency), at which point you will start to need insulin.  This will mean you have the worst of diabetes, both insulin deficiency and insulin resistance. 

By Edmund

The guy lost 84 lbs

Peter told me how he choked back tears of frustration when the doctor scolded him — AGAIN — about how much danger his weight was putting him in…

It’s not like he hadn’t tried everything! And either the scale would barely budge and he’d give up after a couple weeks… Or he’d manage to lose some weight and then he’d gain it all back in a weekend of bad choices — blowing weeks of hard work in a couple days… :-(

Even being scolded and terrified by the doctor didn’t help. In fact nothing helped until he stumbled on a shocking trick that he almost didn’t try because it seemed too easy and too good to be true…

Within days of starting this simple morning ritual he could SEE changes in the mirror. And in 3 weeks he had lost so much weight that his momentum was unstoppable…

In 3 weeks he lost 27 lbs…

In 3 months he lost 84 lbs

Over a year later… he has not gained back an ounce!…

Check out these SHOCKING pics he snapped…

YES! Same guy!! (notice the arm band tattoo?)

Remember… the simple morning trick Peter used to win his life back is so EASY that he almost didn’t even bother checking it out!

Please don’t make that mistake… Try Peter’s odd little trick tomorrow morning and see for yourself...

Best Regards,
